-"This signals the demise of western civilization."

-"Look, it was just one misplaced apostrophe."

-"My point exactly."

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Red Penciling

Image result for red pencilSleek, trimmed-down copy isn't just for web content. No one has time for wordage in any context. We need to be merciless in cutting excess fat.

Yikes                                                            Likes
No right hand turn                              No right turn

Learn how to park                             Learn parking

Beware of dog                                   Dog

This is somewhat verbose.               Verbose.

When you get a chance, I'd               Let's get a grip. 
like to go over the situation
that happened yesterday.

So take your first draft and your red pencil, and hack away. It's actually fun.

(c)2015 Suzann Kale

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