-"This signals the demise of western civilization."

-"Look, it was just one misplaced apostrophe."

-"My point exactly."

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Insure vs Ensure

According to The New York Times, "insure" is used in all instances. I don't think "ensure" is even a word to them. Yet other style protocols, Writer's Digest for example, use "insure" for financial things and "ensure" for personal accountability things (Admin wants to ensure your happiness.).

The main criteria for an individual, then, would be: 

1. Consistency. Just like spelling "theater" or "theatre". Decide which you're going to use, and then keep to it.

2. Company policy. If your company has a style sheet, that's your guide.

(c)2014 Suzann Kale
Tags: grammar, spelling, syntax, insure vs ensure