-"This signals the demise of western civilization."

-"Look, it was just one misplaced apostrophe."

-"My point exactly."

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Just Saying

Dear Bank of xxxxxxxxx:

Thank you for your email alerting me to the weekend outage for Bill Pay. However, it's important, when sending information to your customers, to use correct grammar. 

You wrote: "During this time, Bill Pay will be unavailable however payments made Fridayevening and throughout the day Monday will be processed normally..." 

Who wrote this? Why didn't anyone proofread it before sending it out to your customers? 

After "...will be unavailable" there should be a period - and the word "however" should begin a new sentence, which means it should be capitalized. After "however" there should be a comma. It should read: "During this time, Bill Pay will be unavailable. However, payments made Friday evening and throughout the day Monday will be processed normally..."

This is basic grade school English. As a Bank of xxxxxxxx customer, I would hope that you guys know how to write basic sentences.

Sorry if I seem harsh. This is just worrisome.


Tags: Businss Writing, Editing, Grammar, Proofreading, Punctuation

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